Case Study: Homeless Link Overhaul Their Approach to Data

Leveraging the flexibility and scalability of Salesforce’s CRM framework

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Homeless Link

Homeless Link

For any not-for-profit organisation operating in today’s competitive environment, good data practice, efficiency and access to accurate measurement are crucial in developing evidence-based justifications for funding and investment.

The membership charity Homeless Link exist to ensure everyone has a place to call home and the support they need to keep it. Among the many ways they do is, they provide training, advice, guidance and research to their members, frontline homelessness and housing agencies.

Their members use a client relationship app, ‘In-Form’, built on the Salesforce platform by Homeless Link.

Leveraging the flexibility and scalability of Salesforce’s CRM framework, this app is an easy-to-use suite of tools that incorporates location maps, staffing, tenancies, rents, service charges, health and safety checks, maintenance, repairs and more.

It enables their users to operate in a commercially savvy way, managing every client touch point, delivering a consistent and effective service, and measuring performance in real time.


The Challenge

The Challenge

When Homeless Link looked for a way to bring people data and processes onto Salesforce, to apply the same relationship management standards to their own employees, they found xcd.

Many of their existing workflows, like time, absence, performance and expenses were largely paper based, which made generating a real time view of resources and effectiveness incredibly difficult.

The Homeless Link team needed to overhaul their approach to information handling and data recording across various people processes.


The Solution

The Solution

We embedded our professional services specialists within the Homeless Link team to understand precisely how we could streamline and translate their paper system onto the xcd solution.

Out of the box we created a comprehensive system of record.

Data around Payroll, attendance, leave, overtime, performance and salary review is now all on a single database, mobile accessible, and powering Homeless Link’s suite of xcd reporting and analytics tools.


The Results

With data held digitally, Homeless Link have brought live metrics on sickness, absence and performance into their everyday planning decisions. They can quickly and easily create reports on how staff use their benefits package to make fact-based recommendations on workforce strategy.

Similarly, time and attendance reporting in real time allows their team to build a clearer picture of how and where their people were spending their time, enabling better resourcing decisions and improved efficiency.

Moreover, Homeless Link now have an Employee Relationship Management system that’s highly flexible and scalable to their needs.

The next stage of the project will see them switch over to the Salesforce Lightning user interface, further streamlining the user experience. Recruitment, appraisals, learning and development will also be brought online.

For an organisation already proficient on the Salesforce platform, there really is very little limit to what can be achieved.

What our clients say
What our clients say
What our clients say
“It was simple to get people to adopt xcd, as most of our people use salesforce every day. Now they can view and approve holiday or expenses when they’re out and about, reducing the workload and simplifying things for everyone”

Clare Riddiford

Clare Riddiford

Salesforce Manager at Homeless Link

Salesforce Manager at Homeless Link


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