Where HR is ‘significantly’ involved in Customer Experience (CX), their organisation is 50% more likely to become a CX leader.
That’s according to research from the CX consultants Tempkin Group. HR is fundamental to customer experience. Why is this?
Well, because customer success starts with employee engagement. It starts with frontline employees who are trained, knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and who buy in to their company’s purpose, their brand’s reputation and their customers’ satisfaction.
To engaged employees, CX is a personal issue. But research from Gallup suggests that in Europe, only one in ten employees are engaged.
Employee engagement is a measurement of how people feel about their job, their employer, their colleagues, their working environment. How do you influence that?
With Employee Experience (EX).
If employee engagement is the measurement of how people feel, EX is the strategy to manage that measurement. EX is where HR impacts business performance in a profound way.
EX strategy starts with a question: How do we want our employees to feel, and what do we need to provide to make that a reality?
Employee experience author and futurist Jacob Martin spent years studying EX initiatives within 250 of the world’s best employers. He says every programme is made up of three constituent environments: Culture, physical space, and technology.
The HR leaders we work with use our HRMS technology as an active engagement tool in exactly this way. And that’s possible because XCD is designed and built on Salesforce, the world’s most popular Customer Relationship (CRM) platform.
Salesforce was designed to streamline, automate and optimise an organisation’s ability to deliver great customer experience, tracking every customer interaction and making the whole process measurable and reportable. This is vital because of the vast amount of data these interactions generate.
The founders of XCD understood the parallels in HR and harnessed the platform to create a solution that could do the same for employees. They turned CRM into HCM.
The platform is perfectly designed to standardise traditionally cumbersome processes like employee onboarding and performance review, automating reports and reminders so employees’ technology experience is consistent across an organisation.
Happy employees create happy customers. To find out more, book a demo today.