Salary reviews on spreadsheets, yikes!

Posted on 15 October 2015
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We’ve chosen salary reviews because they’re a common example we come across, but really this is relevant for any sensitive HR information that’s compiled and shared via the dreaded medium of the spreadsheet.

Lots of stakeholders feed into a salary review, and it can often prove a nightmare to liaise with everyone, especially in medium and large organisations. If you’re using spreadsheets, you’ll know the singular, mind altering confusion of having 22 different versions of the same timesheet, each carefully edited so managers only see data about the employees they’re responsible for.

You’ll understand the task of password protecting each one, then chasing every stakeholder for their feedback so it can be consolidated in the master document. What’s that, you’ve forgotten the password? Why didn’t you mention that two weeks ago when I chased you for it?

You’ll understand the relief when all that information is safe within the master doc and you can finally press ‘send’ and whizz it off to finance. Although experience has taught you not too congratulate yourself too soon. They’ll come back with the inevitable response.

“It’s too much. Cut it.” And the process starts again.

The point is, there’s so many spreadsheets, so much duplication of effort and so much room for error. Some companies we’ve worked with take months and months to complete this entire process. You can see where we’re going with this.

Good quality HR software uses only ONE page, ONE database, and ONE password for each manager, whose access is automatically restricted so they can only see the data on employees relevant to them.

With XCD’s payroll solution, salary reviews are simplified and streamlined. They can quickly make the changes and the total is calculated at the bottom of the page. It can be done as a percentage of the employee’s salary or by adding the currency value. Once everyone is happy, HR publishes it using an ‘effective from’ date.

All employee’s previous salaries are automatically ended on the day before the ‘effective from’ date and the new ones start on that date.

HR can then filter their view of that salary review, page by department and can see previous salary review percentage (to check if they had a big/small pay rise last time) and their latest performance review score can be seen.

It’s so simple. Why not make your life simple and contact us now.