VIDEO: Digital Basecamp | 5 ROI factors in digital HR

Posted on 1 August 2019
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This is what our COO Ben Bishop discussed on stage at the CIPD’s Festival of Work earlier this year.

But this wasn’t a presentation about the importance of ROI. If you’re still talking about whether ROI is important, you’ve got bigger problems.

No, Ben’s focus was on providing concrete examples and practical advice on how to get to a point where you’re ready to start delivering a return on digital HR, he calls it reaching ‘Digital Basecamp’.

Then, critically, he listed some of the key elements and metrics that should go into your ROI calculations.

Because the most important, and difficult aspect of digital HR is devising clear objectives, it is important to understand how and what to measure in order to demonstrate ROI.

Thankfully, solutions such as XCD’s payroll software and recruitment and onboarding software makes measuring these objectives easier and more manageable.

Ben’s presentation covers five fundamental areas:

  • Data capture and maintenance
  • Document digitisation
  • Process automation
  • Engaging and equipping your employees
  • Building your analytics

To watch the full video of his session, complete with slides, and to download a short guide, click here.