WEBINAR: HR’s role in business recovery of COVID-19

Posted on 7 July 2020
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COVID-19 has had a profound impact on organisations worldwide with many seeking new approaches to manage their workforces and adapt to the situation.

With this in mind we have brought together an experienced panel of executives from the HR, technology and services sector for a series of webinars to discuss collective experiences on the impact and the role HR is playing to help businesses recover and grow.


Register to view our on-demand webinars, in partnership with FinancialForce, and learn:

  • How businesses are responding to the COVID-19 crisis
  • How the barriers to collaborative working are being removed
  • The benefits technology is bringing to enable business survival
  • The effect integrated HR and payroll solutions can have on key business metrics
  • What the future holds for companies post COVID-19

These value packed webinars are available on-demand so you can register and watch back in your own time.